I started spinning out last week. I lost control, fell out of routine and sunk into that pit where motivation goes to die. I became super sensitive, I was on-edge and my self-talk was super negative. I needed to implement some tricks to beat overwhelm and get back to happy!
So,what were my options? I could stay in that dark space, or gtfo. I allowed a solid day of feeling sorry for myself, threw myself a proper pity party. But I know better than to let that last too long.
Luckily, I have put a solid self-care routine in place and am able to quickly re-gain control when I begin to not feel like myself.
I made it my goal to lighten up! I had become so tightly wound over the past few months, that I began caving under the pressure of stress & work. So, I vowed to stop taking things so seriously. Say yes more. Complain about things less. Sing so loud I lose my voice and dance so hard I hurt myself. I needed to redirect my focus to having fun and being happy. Because from there, everything else flows.
Below are a few ways I beat overwhelm & regain control when I find myself spinning out:
When the last thing I feel like doing is smiling, sometimes I need to hand the responsibility to someone else. Laughing is the quickest way I’ve found to beat overwhelm. I have my arsenal of go-to shows & movies that are guaranteed to make me laugh. Over this past weekend, my fiance and I went to go see this movie and it was exactly what I needed. (PS, this is the reason this post is full of funny gifs).
This one can be tough since lately I’ve been feeling down because my group of friends doesn’t live here anymore. So, instead of sit and cry about it, I’ve been making an effort to put myself out there and make new friends. I’ve be forming relationships with some of my local clients, going to my fiances work happy hours and taking classes around town. Little by little I’ve been able to surround myself with happy, positive and fun people 🙂