Congratulations! You have a brand new baby. Life as you know it is about to completely change beyond recognition. And that’s okay. There’s nothing to be scared of. Change is good and everything is temporary. This crazy, messy, sleep deprived phase is short. And the best advice I can give you is to try and enjoy what you can of it so that you can remember as much as possible, because it’ll be over before you know it.Below is a list of 25 things you can expect with the arrival of your new little buddle of joy.
- Enjoying another humans farts
- Taking your boob out in public without thinking twice
- Learning how much you can do with just one hand
- Never looking at mustard the same way again
- Feeling your heart living outside of your body
- Crying over spilled milk
- Experiencing life through tiny, curious new eyes
- Living in survival mode
- Being covered in someone else’s bodily fluid
- Wiping poop off of…everything
- Taking more pictures than your phone has capacity for (every day)
- Holding in your pee for an indefinite amount of time
- Eating whatever is around, whenever you get the chance
- Sleeping when the baby sleeps…Hahaha jk that’s not a real thing
- Resenting your husband juuuuust a little bit
- Living in the same three pairs of pajamas
- Not knowing when your next shower will be
- Feeling guilty. Just, all the time.
- Bonding with other women who are momming alongside you
- Leaving the dishes in the sink and the laundry in the dryer
- Asking for help
- Forgetting to feed the pets
- Breastfeeding is your new cardio
- Learning what the word tired really means
- Loving deeper and harder than you ever thought you were capable of