Job Dissatisfaction: How The Cubicle Almost Killed Me

I loved my first job. It was my dream job when I graduated college and I landed it. An advertising agency. A small, creative shop in the heart of Miami. It was perfect! I loved the office, the people the work. But, there came a day when I had to admit that I wasn’t entirely fulfilled there. I began to recognize, and put a name to, my job dissatisfaction.

American workers are some of the most unhealthy + unhappy people around. Don’t believe me? Check this, this, this, this and this out.

TRUE STORY: I've never felt more more sick, dissatisfied + weak than when I worked inside a cubicle for a company that I couldn't care less about. Job dissatisfaction is a real thing and there is a real way to cure it.

And some might say that is too romantic of an idea to wrap so tightly around your “career”, but I say that’s BS.

So…I left. Albeit, impulsively. I took the first job I was offered. That job was a desk job…inputting data & scheduling online ads…from inside a cubicle. Just the thought of it makes me shutter.

Finding the right “cure” for job dissatisfaction is an individual journey and the road looks different for everyone.

I had never stepped foot inside a cubicle. My ad agency job was all open concept, drinking beer on the balcony and brainstorms by the pool. It was a far cry from a cubicle. I was only at this new job for 4 months, but in those 4 achingly long and drawn out months I was sicker than I have ever been. I was in and out of urgent care so often they should’ve given me a membership card and punch holes every time I made a visit. I suffered unabating anxiety, depression, was making myself throw up constantly (see: My Eating Disorder Has Nothing To Do With Eating), got food poisoning, had a major panic attack with heart palpitations, got pink eye and had strep throat three different times! Just to name a few. Talk about suffering major job dissatisfaction!

Being holed up within the confines of those three cork-board walls was literally sucking me dry. It sucked out the nutrients from my body and it was coming after my soul. I had almost no human interaction all day, I sat right next to the only window which they made me keep closed because the sun made it too hot in the office, and the best part of my day was deciding which sandwich I would be eating from Subway for lunch. It was a rough time. But you know what? To say I am grateful for this experience is a massive understatement.

This was the slap in the face I needed to finally be honest about my job dissatisfaction. I didn’t want a job…I wanted a business. And so I quit that job, with a giant smile on my face. I began freelance consulting which went pretty well. And then one business coach, a super supportive & encouraging boyfriend and a whole lot of trial and error later…here I am! With my very own business, Loey LLC. I get to work with women who have gifts and want to share them with the world, I get to do what I love, I get to profit off of my passion. It was a long road and it’s even longer ahead still, but the point is I am here now. For that, I am eternally grateful.

If you have the burning desire deep in your gut urging you, begging you, promising you that you have more to offer…LISTEN TO IT. Recognize your wake up call. You have a gift and people need to know about it. Trust me. Get out of the cubicle.

ALSO, check out this book. I’m reading it now and I’m learning soooo much about time management, time use, free time, the busyness epidemic and how to find balance among it all.


If you’re ready to dive in deeper and do the work to turn your passion into a profitable business/blog/brand, we should talk! You can sign up for a free call with my today to chat about where you’re stuck and I’ll let you know how we can fix that. I’m really good at helping my clients get out of their heads, stop running around in circles, and finally do the damn thing. I want to be your sounding board. I want to catch your billions of beautiful ideas and catch the one that you should run with, right now, to get this ball rolling! Sign up below to access my online calendar and schedule your free call.

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