5 Tricks To Run A Successful Business From Anywhere

A successful business starts with a happy business owner. As a business owner, you are responsible for making this thing work. You can’t depend on anyone else to make this happen. So, you have to be super motivated every day to get up and do the work and build your successful business. Sometimes (a lot […]

How To Release Toxic Energy From Your Life +Biz

Sooner or later you’re going to find yourself in a situation where a certain relationship in your life becomes toxic. This can be a romantic relationship, a friendship, a relationship with work or family or a client. Eventually, you will become faced with toxicity/negativity and it’s important to know how to protect your energy. There is a […]

Being Happy To Make Money (Not The Other Way Around)

Make money doing what makes you happy. Sound like a pipe dream? Well, it’s not. It’s the opposite of what we’ve been told our entire lives. We were told to work hard in school and get a good job and then work even harder there so you can make money and then you’ll be happy! […]

Weekly Inspo: Loey loves…

This week is all about indulgence ♥ Here are a few ways I’m giving in to my temptations. I don’t why I’m just discovering these delicious and healthy snack bars, but they are life! No added sugar…vegan…gluten free. Yes, I’ll take all of them. Please & thanks. Getting married is pretty sweet 😉 My tasting at […]

Online Branding 101: Brand Your Biz + Blog In 6 Easy Steps!

Each step below represents a different module from my online course, BYOB: Brand Your Own Business, where I teach students about authentic online branding 101 through guided videos + coursework. As a spiritual entrepreneur, you speak a very specific language. You know your value, you practice what you preach, you live and breathe your work. HOWEVER, your […]

Best Apps For Online Business Success (#4 is my favorite)

These are some of the best apps for online business success I’ve found so far! Since starting my business, I’ve tried & tested many different online apps to keep my content fresh, happy & organized. Below is a list of some of my favorites! I use these apps every single day and my business is […]

Weekly Inspo: Loey Loves…

Here is a list of everything I am coveting this week ♥   1. Wild & Free Workout: This Spotify playlist is everything! I’ve been listening to it every morning when I work out, and I think it’s the only reason I actually manage to exercise every day. 2. Iced dirty (clean) chai: I’ve done it! […]