A lot of us are suddenly working from home, some of us for the very first time. So I wanted to put together a list of tips to make our adjustment to working from home easy, productive and effective. 1. Get dressed Sounds obvious, but it is really easy to stay in your pajamas when […]
work from anywhere
Being Happy To Make Money (Not The Other Way Around)
Make money doing what makes you happy. Sound like a pipe dream? Well, it’s not. It’s the opposite of what we’ve been told our entire lives. We were told to work hard in school and get a good job and then work even harder there so you can make money and then you’ll be happy! […]
Weekly Inspo: Loey Loves…
Here is a list of everything I am coveting this week ♥ 1. Wild & Free Workout: This Spotify playlist is everything! I’ve been listening to it every morning when I work out, and I think it’s the only reason I actually manage to exercise every day. 2. Iced dirty (clean) chai: I’ve done it! […]
26 Things I’ve Accomplished by 26
As I prepare to embark on yet another trip around the sun, I’ve begun taking stock in all of the accomplishments I’ve collected over the years. It’s easy to forget how far we’ve come while we’re so busy getting where we’re going. So, I wanted to remind myself just how much I’ve already accomplished as I look forward […]
Grow Your Blog On Social Media: Ditch The FB Ads, Go Organic!
“Grow your blog on social media” “Get more likes, comments & shares” “This post is performing 90% better than all other posts. Boost it to get more great results!” This is NOT the point of creating & sharing online content. Don’t let Facebook bully you into paying for more “likes, comments & shares”. Focus your […]
My Brand Of Happy: A glimpse into the life & biz of happy lady bosses
You and your story are a shining beam of light for someone who is on the fence about whether or not they have what it takes. That has always been the driving force that keeps me doing what I’m doing. I know this is true. I know you have a gift and my entire business […]
Weekly Inspo: Loey loves…
I spend the majority of my time scouring the Internet for inspiration. There are so many remarkable, hilarious, creative and ingenious people out there sharing their gifts for us to consume and learn from. So, I’d like to share some of my favorites every week in a new series I’m calling “Loey loves…” 1 Hilary at […]
What To Expect When You’re Expecting (The Worst)
So, I’ve just found out that not only will Mercury be going into retrograde a couple days before I begin my 26th spin around the sun…but FOUR other planets will be joining it! Subtle, universe. Real subtle. When I hear about planets going into retrograde my first reaction is to pick up my stomach from […]
The 10 Stages Of Running Your Own Business (As Told By Giphs)
The road to success with your own business is winding. There are moments of sheer brilliance coupled with moments of absolute terror. It’s equally as scary as it is fulfilling. Running your own business never smooth sailing, but you eventually strike a balance between the dichotomy of doubting your work and having relentless confidence in […]
Finding Ideal Clients: 4 Places Your Tribe Is Hanging Out
As a spiritually-guided woman & business owner, I make a very conscious effort to surround myself with a strong tribe (and remove myself from energies that no longer serve me). The old adage is true…your vibe attracts your tribe. You’re responsible for who you attract into your life, so it’s important to keep your vibe […]