Working From Home + Staying Productive (My 5 Must-Haves)

Working from home means enjoying all the comforts of home…while you work. Every at home entrepreneur needs to learn how to balance rest and work. Its a tricky line to walk.

I am a huge fan of naps, Netflix and long lunches. Its hard to resist those temptations when I’m home all day and my bed, TV and fridge are all a few steps away. Full disclosure: I did more of all three of those things when I was at my office job than I do now (see: How The Cubicle Almost Killed Me).

Below is a list of some things I like to keep handy to stay motivated and fueled up throughout the day while working from home.



If I could get this cold brew concentrate from Trader Joe’s in an IV drop, that’d be great thanks. I start my days off with a wide-mouthed Mason Jar of more than the recommended serving size of this sweet nectar. No milk, no sugar. Just coffee and ice, like God intended. And throughout the day I snack on spoonfuls of this crunchy peanut butter with flax & chia seeds. Whenever I am feeling that afternoon lull, a shot of this stuff gives me just the jolt I need to push through.


Anyone who has known me for at least five minutes knows Third Eye Blind is my favorite band. They have been for the past 15 or so years and I expect them to remain my favorite for the foreseeable future. It doesn’t matter what mood I’m in, these guys always do the trick.


I am not using the term “uniform” lightly here. This is literally what I wear every single week day. When you work from home its easy to roll out of bed and spend your entire day in pajamas. And anyone who has ever worked from home can tell you that is the biggest trap, don’t do it! Put on real clothes, wash your face and get your day started. Granted, I understand most people don’t consider leggings “real clothes”. And to them I roll my eyes and do whatever I want. Be comfortable, do you and get work done. Personally, being in actual pajamas makes that extremely difficult for me.


I think it’s super important to have excellent reading material at your disposal at all times. Whether that means shelves of books, a stack by your bed or a full library in your kindle. READ! It makes your smarter, it let’s you escape, it is the greatest gift you can give yourself. At any time, I am in the middle of 4-5 different books. Currently, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert has become my sacred text. It keeps me inspired and it motivates me to write more. I am in the process of putting my next book proposal together and this book is keeping a warm flame lit under my butt until I get it done.


Last, but certainly not least, my business partners. A pen and paper. You see, as a business owner I have no one else to depend on to get my work done. When I have an idea for something I can’t turn to my co-worker or employee and trust they’ll see it through. Nope! It’s all on me. Every single piece of content you see from Loey LLC is hand-made by yours truly. Every blog, Facebook post, graphic. And I LOVE that about my business. That is why I make sure to keep a pen and paper nearby at all times because I never know when inspiration is going to strike. I have running lists all over the place waiting for me to get back to them.

Working from home can be difficult sometimes, but these things help me stay motivated + productive throughout the day. What are some things you need when you’re working from home? Let me know in the comments. 

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