Become More Productive With This To-Do List Printable (Free Download)

I’m always looking for new ways to become more productive in my life + biz. I hate the feeling of having a bunch of stuff to do and not getting any of it done. But, what I’ve learned, is that when we try to do everything we end up doing nothing!

So, I’ve come up with a list system I use to organize all the things I want/need to do every week.

You can download my free printable NOW by signing up at the bottom of this post!

Don't just set your goals, go GET your goals. Become More Productive With This To-Do List Printable (Free Download)!

This system has really helped me achieve better work-life balance and become more productive than ever!

FIRST, I create a master goal list. This is a running list where I write down ALL the things, big + small, that I want to do.

THEN, every Sunday I prepare my weekly goals. I choose 3-5 items from my master list and tackle them. I make sure to choose one of my bigger goals each week. Trying to get them all done at once is not possible, but tackling them one at a time becomes much more doable.

FINALLY, every morning I wake up and prepare my list for the day. I’ve started using this day designer planner which helps me stay organized. But, in general, I write down all the scheduled calls/appointments/meetings I have planned in one color (this helps with my time management so I don’t double-book). Then, I write down all the things I need to do. I like to make separate columns for work + life, as I’ve found this helps me reach a much better balance between the two.become more productive

For example, here are my weekly goals from last week. Of course, I have A LOT of other things I want to get done (that’s
why I keep my master goal list). But, when I pick a few each week to focus on, I get waaay more accomplished and make space to become more productive.

1- Focus on my health (buy vitamins, doctor appointment, etc.)
2- Wedding plans (tie up loose ends I’ve been ignoring)
3- Home office (clean out spare room and make it into my office)
4- Halloween (buy costumes, plan party)
5- Optimize website (blog post SEO for Google & Pinterest)

These weren’t things I “wanted” to do. These are things I promised myself I would do. And, if you read this story of mine, you’ll know when there’s a will, there’s a way (spoiler alert: it took a ratty old futon for me to come to this revelation).

Now, below is that same list. Expect this is what it looked like on the following Sunday, after updating it with HOW I crossed each one of my list and before starting my new list for the coming week. It’s super helpful to write down how you accomplished each goal/task. For one, it holds you accountable and keeps you honest. But, more importantly, it reminds you if there’s something you weren’t able to get done completely (or if one task multiplied into 5 more, as they do) so you can add it to next week’s list.

1- Focus on my health (buy vitamins, doctor appointment, etc.)
HOW: I went to all my doctor appointments and scheduled more for next week!

2- Wedding plans (tie up loose ends I’ve been ignoring)
HOW: I had a call with my planner and she let me know I’m totally on track. Just a few bits and pieces to still nail down (hotel & invites) which are already on next week’s list.

3- Home office (clean out spare room and make it into my office)
HOW: I DID IT! (see here to read how)

4- Halloween (buy costumes, plan party)
HOW: Done and done. Amazon, goodwill and creative thinking!

5- Optimize website (blog post SEO for Google & Pinterest)
HOW: Still in the process, but I’m more than half-way through. It’s tedious but SO worth it. Up next: Boardbooster!

It’s wild how much creating this list system has calmed me down and helped me to become more productive. I’m usually so anxious to do ALL THE THINGS, all at once. But knowing that I just had these 5 to work toward a) let me get them all done right and b) helped me not stay distracted by all the other things I want to do. I know I’ll have next week and the week after and so on to finish all the things. Taking them on a few at a time has helped tremendously.

I wanted to make it super simple for you to incorporate this process into your personal practice, and get you to a place where you are getting ALL the things done. To download my FREE guide to building a “WILL-DO” list, the “to-do” list that gets things done for you, sign up below ↓

3 thoughts on “Become More Productive With This To-Do List Printable (Free Download)

  1. I love this! I have a similar schedule for my weekly “to-do’s” and it’s amazing how much more productive I am when I actually follow it!

    • Lauren

      Hey! So glad you liked it 🙂 I am so much more productive after incorporating this list system into my practice.

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